XRoads Networks incorporates a fully function firewall module within all of its appliances, along with our unique ApeXfilter™ which leverages our appliance link bonding capabilities and delivers both a next generation application filter AND a anti-spyware, anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-phishing solution.
Every EdgeXOS appliance includes our application firewall feature set, which incorporates a stateful firewall, simple rules-based application blocking, VLAN control, subnet firewalling, port and protcol based blocking, along with a comprehensive set of DoS protection and SYN flood prevention options.
The EdgeXOS also incoprorates advanced firewall logging features which capture full packet header information in order to assist in troubleshooting problems and/or network security issues. This logging can also be exported to a syslog server for long-term storage and examination.
With full NAT (Network Address Translation) and application proxy support, the EdgeXOS appliances also provide a flexible configuration environment. Support for port address translation and one-to-one address translation is included. The EdgeXOS appliances also feature DMZ and secure routed subnet capabilities by utilizing the DMZ interface options within the appliance.
Each EdgeXOS appliance includes our PCI-compliant stateful rules-based firewall. Network administrators can quickly and easily create firewall rules to allow and deny traffic based on traffic type, source, destination IP address/network, port, protocol, etc. You can also create rules specifically to log certain types of traffic. This is extremely useful for troubleshoot network related issues to see where traffic is going and which ports it is using.
Our WEBaXcel DWP thin-clients deliver real-time databases lookups which receive new web requests, instantly categorize the site, and response to the request. The entire express forwarding, scanning, and response takes less than several msecs.
During this time the Internet content requested is filtered through up to eight layers of checking, including URL checking, anti-virus, anti-phishing, anti-spyware/malware, custom rules and reporting, all while the EdgeXOS platform is ensuring accelerated connectivity through WAN bonding and 99.999% uptime through automated multi-link redundancy.